first day of the last month in 2008.
nothing special about todae for me i guess. just the same start to the usual boring work week.
Not that i'm complaining. having a job beats not having one at all of cos.
in fact..i'm counting my blessings.
whilst surrounded by all these bad news recently... gloomy economic outlook in 2009...mumbai and bangkok events..and the unfortunate incident of the girl whose bright life was brutally taken away in incredible india...
i dunno. i guess for now..i'm not that looking forward to the new year.
oh. todae also happens to be world aids day. i heard on the radio this morning. and the DJ said that there was someone (i tink i heard also that he had leukaemia or something) and later they discovered that his aids virus had disappeared. so that's a miracle for u. but watever. it just reminded me of the recent aids drama serial they were showing on channel 8. i tink it depicted well the situations and emotional trauma the aids patient and his family had to go thru'. good job chen hanwei and mediacorp.
but i digress.
the series of unfortunate events sparks off tots that we needa treasure those around us. to be more giving. to be less persistent on nitty gritty issues. to learn to forgive and forget. after all..who can guarrantee for sure when's the next time u can talk to your loved ones again? so tell them how much u love and care for them. Loudly.
to my dear fren F: i guess no words from us friends can alleviate the pain u're going through now. but i guess when things hit rock bottom..there will be no other way except up. we'll be behind ya! hope it will be 雨过天晴 soon~
10 years ago