is how i am feeling like right now.
After 2 giant meals on sun and mon..and probably more to come.
cos relatives are in town..and we have to go around munching bits off the island.
can't help feeling a tad so used to eating a spoonful of rice + lotsa veggies for dinner...dat these meals are excessive to me..
and i always end up looking like some pregnant woman after every meal (feel like one too..back aches can't stand up straight!)...u could pay me a buck to see this 奇观~
not forgetting tat i always feel a tremendous sense of guilt if i overeat too.
i noe it ain't right and i outta be fortunate and glad dat i can have all the food tat i ever compared to the poor folks being sold as slaves .. just to digress..have u ever wondered that maybe the branded pair of sports shoes on your feet was made by some poor skinny kid slave driven by some ferocious man with a whip? haiz.
oh well..but still..dats no reason for me to finish up all the food on the table.
10 years ago
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