Fortunately i din really need the mc this time. it's just my ringing ears. Woke up on mon morning..and suddenly "woo...woooh..wooo" in my left ear. and stayed tat wae ...yah it's still woo-ing now... So everything seems just plain noisy..and i hear echoes..or undertones when pple tok..and the engines of passing cars become super irritating. mom said she had those ringing ears before's like hearing construction piling all dae long~ oh man.
On the flip side..yesh... the first time i truly appreciated the tranquility in's quiet enough not to pick up any there's no woo-ing sound and i'm feel tat i'm normal once again... But once i step out of office space... every sound suddenly becomes amplified! the doc doesn't quite noe wats wrong with my ears..she said the passageway is clear all the wae to the eardrums. She's guessing that it might be mucus stuck in the pipe linking the nose and the ear..Or maybe inflammation along the pipe too. Dats how i ended up with anti-inflammation tablets and flu pills. Gotta eat them up and see if it solves the problem. But not to worry...i'll be sure to eat the flu pills at the end of the dae..cos industrious bee-me won't wanna plop snoring awae in office...
and before ringing ears dae..round-faced ellie spotted these favourite sunflowers at changi airport... nice*

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