i dunno wat i've been busy with recently... haven't blogged like since 2mths? or maybe my life has been too mundane. nope that wasn't a complaint..i like routines (most of the time). that includes poupee, facebook, jogging and car-washing.
so ya. many incidents with the new car recently.
Car-washing incident:
1. i was washing the car on thursday. Mr 555 (so named bcos of the license plate on his flashy black mercedes) was already there. he was scrubing hard away at one of his tyres. hmm..i thought. should be at the last stage of washing liao. so anywaes i did mine... splash on the water. scrub. soap. scrub. splash on water. Mr 555 was STILL on that same tyre---scrubing splashing scrubing AT THE SAME tyre. jeez. some lady (dunno wife or maid) came down to look for him and help him a bit to lay the mats in his car..and then i overheard her telling him "if someone asks u how long u take the wash the car..its like 3 daes. 1day to wash the car body..1 day to wash the tyres..and one day for dunno wat". Mr 555 laughed and said "ya nobody washes tyres only i do"
i think he wasted a lot of water on those tyres which are gonna get dirty the moment he drives off.
Carpark incidents:
1. i couldn't find the silly car park at pearl's centre. does it ever exist in the first place? i wish they could mark on the singapore maps where are the entrances to the carparks. they are sometimes not v obvious. sorry to say..but i've been rather sad ever since streetdirectory.com was forced to close down. i tink it was sooo much more helpful with the driving directions and all.
2. i finished off ktv last fri nite at 1am..and then the doors to the people's park centre were closed. can't get to the lift to get to the carpark. Went into 7-11 and asked the cashier if he knew where else i can find another lift. he dunno. so i asked him where's the security guard post. "at the end of the building", he said. Chinatown is not such an exciting place to walk at nite. There were no signs of men in uniforms. Only tired people sleeping by the roadside. Grr..does this mean i have to climb up the ramps for 3 storeys to get to the car. No choice. called my dear and was ranting to him all the way. heheh. And then yay. Saw a couple of security guards stuck behind the glass doors of the building. So i started charades with them on how to go up. and they started shouting instructions through the holes between the glass doors. it was like "walk here, there..blahblahblah" Urr..i'm already halfway in the climb and i'm not gonna climb down and walk elsewhere to find a cargo lift which may not exist lor. So i continued..*pant*
3. Parked at westmall to meet A for dinner. Nicely parked. Came back to pickup the car after dinner. N saw. this 7seater plastered into the butt of i30.
Snapped pics and took down the license plate.
and then big burly foreigner came along with his whole family. so it was him.
confronted him "eh wat are u doing?"
he said oh i din noe your car was there...and i tink he really din noe. otherwise i cannot figure out why he would leave his car in that state and go for dinner.
he reversed out (finally) so that i could check.
initially i only saw a small dot of black paint. urghz. if i were to collect damages from him then it's like too much trouble. ok lah
"U drive carefully next time!"
he apologised and then left. and then A was looking from the side and said "urr..it looks slightly dented"
and then. i forgot to take down his contact no. Stewpid.
ok la..it wasnt that obvious. but Still.
and i already parked way away from the parking white line and he could still overshot so much. or maybe his driving habits are that stop only when u hit something.
Just my luck. Hope his 7seater gets bulldozed over..Mr xxx. (i needa get the license plate no. from A).
10 years ago
eh!!! i used to like scrubbing the tyres for my dad too! but that's bcos once, i found money (50 cents is big deal for a 4 year old!) on the ground while doing that. I must say that we didn't take a day with the tyres though.
yes the carplate no. still w me.
and u know i can't get around much; now with no streetdirectory.com it's worse!
You can try www.gothere.sg
It provides useful driving directions and bus/train directions too!
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