so i've lost my voice.. *croack* for the past 2 weeks or so.
it started off with tat sore throat which i went to the doc.
no fever and he said "your condition is mild" and then when he asked me anything else i said "can u give me an mc?"
he looked at my patient's card and commented "oh u've been taking quite a bit of mc lately"
OK so i have 2 months ago for a dae and 1 month ago for 2 daes for stomach flu. beats me why i'm so weak this yr...
so wat. we employees are entitled to 14daes of medical leave a yr. u mean cannot use ah?
but i really AM sick wat. my throat was burning me...
and then the "concerned" doc asked me "how many yrs have u worked in the company?" as tho he was worried tat i might incur the wrath of my bosses for too much a disappearing act. Another tell-tale sign tat i was probably a good-for-nothing kiddy worker (read blog entry: halloween)
i dunno why i was so dumb to tell him 3yrs..and then gave him a piece of my mind "i dun take mc if i can OK". then he said ok lah give u one dae off. duhz.
i was so ruffled tat when i took the medicine i told the nurse to tell him off for doubting my work integrity. when i first went to this clinic i already had a feeling that the stoopid doc was the kind who was never empathetic. and i was rite. trust me...i would Never go to this clinic if not for the fact that it's the nearest one from my home where the company recognises the mc.
and he only gave me antibiotics and medicine for running nose. HUH. i never had a single chance of running nose till now lor. he din pre-empt my cough..cos he gave no cough mixture.
admittedly i haven't been a good girl tho...went to penang and ate a LOT of heaty stuff..laksa...apong..curry kachang... grilled flower crabs *slurp*.. so now after 2 weeks since the mc dae i'm still coughing. and 2 weeks of sleepless nites..cos i always wake up in the middle of the nite to cough. dat dae i even woke up tinking there was an earthquake..but apparently my coughing shook me too much. ha.
but at least i tink i'm recovering now.. *croack* after daes of bland eating...
10 years ago
1 comment:
Get well soon yah? :)
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