this morning i took the same lift as usual to work..except todae feeling super lousy.
me and another colleague working on the same floor (but i dunno who she is as usual but saw once or twice) went in.
sometimes there will be last min pple who make a 100m sprint towards the lift just when the door is about to close.
todae there was.
feeling sour already..i couldn't be bothered to lift my hand to open the door. tot the colleague in the lift would press the door open for the sprinter. BUt she din..she pressed close instead.
so i decided to punch 'open' at the same time i saw the sprinter lunge towards the outside lift door button.
she managed to get in.. looking sour too. without a word of thanks. they tot they managed to come in bcos they sprinted.
after the sprinter got to her destination floor..there was only me and the colleague left again. she gave me a smile..which i could not decipher was a sheepish smile or a frenly smile. i give her the benefit of the doubt..and i returned with a weak smile. Sorry to the colleague..whoever u might be. i tink i look a tad dao. but i was feeling in aboslutely too trashy a mood to want to look frenly.
10 years ago
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